A continuous, fully supported and personalised plan suitable for both fitness enthusiasts with an interest in indoor rowing and athletes looking to progress performance. The only basic requirement to get the most from our plan is an up to date 2km time.

12599179_122045431525671_1077335092_nSuitable for all ages and abilities, our plan offers  pre planned workouts, pace guidance and coaching input in a mutually supportive group environment. According to the feedback we’ve gained this set up reinforces structure, accountability, variance, and consistency in training whilst also helping participants build confidence and stay motivated. To date, the progress individuals have made has been astounding. The package we’ve developed has been enough to sustain a level of interest and commitment to training at a level we could not have imagined when the initial pilot took place earlier this year. The Plan itself has been developed to support those who row in pursuit of general health and fitness goals as well as those who have an interest in performance enhancement and competition. We have devised a ‘one size fits all’ formula which consistently delivers results regardless of your current fitness level.

The Format:

  • Up to 5 sessions a week with pace and rate guides.
  • Coaching feedback on a sessional basis from Sam Blythe (British Indoor Rowing Champion, record holder and World silver medalist).
  • Exclusive FB group membership.
  • The sessions will be applicable to anyone wanting to improve general fitness, enhance performance across ranking distances or compete at events during race season. The content will follow a format that matches those objectives whilst also being informed by popular events on the calendar. You participate in as much or as little as you like given your goal.
  • You commit to what you can given your lifestyle, schedules and training goals.There’s no joining fee just a monthly fee from £18.50 which will grant ongoing unlimited access to Fitness Matters training.
  • To take part please send a join request to https://www.facebook.com/groups/586319881548995/
  • A continuous, rolling programme that centrally teaches the concept of ‘gearing’ and guides you through its application.



  • How will this generic plan help me achieve my individual goals?

This plan has been proven to enhance performance across a range of ranked distances due to the unique combination of endurance, speed and power based sessions that comprise a typical FM weekly training plan schedule. The timetable is very much informed by the UK indoor rowing race calendar, but if you have a specific request to train for a particular distance for a time limited period we will be able to help incorporate this into your weekly training.

  • What if my goals change?

If your goals change, feel free to adapt your plan accordingly. You have the flexibility to decide whether to engage in more or less training.

  • Do I have to do all of the sessions?

The plan will provide 5 sessions a week. It is entirely up to you how many sessions you undertake. As with anything, the more consistently you train towards a goal, the more likely you are to achieve it.

  • How much can I vary from the pace guides?

The pace guides are there for a reason. They are central to the concept of ‘gearing’. All sessions will indicate a specific guide in terms of pace based on an initial 2k time. If in doubt stick to the guide. The guide is designed to prevent you overloading your stroke at low rate AND substituting power with speed at higher rates. Both of which are habits that if formed over time are likely to weaken your stroke profile and affect your technique, efficiency and ultimately performance.

  • What if I want time off training?

This plan is designed as a rolling programme, and not every session needs to be completed. If for a time your circumstances or priorities change then feel free to withdraw and rejoin at a later date should you so wish. You will not be charged for the period that you withdraw from participation.

  • Can I do extra training?

As with all previous plans feel free to add additional cross training sessions as you so wish. Be aware however if you’re looking to improve your rowing performance…then it’s rowing you need to be doing most of!

  • What is the difference between the ‘Concept 2 Rowing Plan by Fitness Matters’ and a bespoke Fitness Matters rowing plan?

We offer a range of training options at Fitness Matters:
Our group plan offers sessions with individual coaching input aimed specifically at improving gearing and performance across a wider range of distances. This is offered within a social media group setting where participants benefit from the motivation and support offered by others completing the same programme.  The session content is also informed by forthcoming events on the race calendar (from £18.50 a month).

If you’re looking for individual coaching without group support then our bespoke service offers you tailored sessions with our resident Performance Coach and former Olympian Axel Dickinson. Bespoke training provides the option of focussing on a specific goal taking into account your individual circumstances more closely (Please contact for further information).
